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Welcome to the Club. Your membership will be completed on receipt of payment. You are a prospective member until then, with access to the Club website – see below. You'll receive a membership badge and key for the shacks at your first meeting as member or by other arrangement. Meetings are at the Lenah Valley RSL, 7.30pm, 3rd Monday of each month bar January. You'll receive email agendas and minutes for all meetings.
Membership details Most of your details are now on the database – see under the website My Membership drop-down, see below. Could you check that they're correct and add those missing – use Update profile. This system is under review (August 2023) – contact the Secretary if you have any problems.
Money matters There is a joining fee currently $300, contribution recognising our considerable assets, of which you become a shareholder. Annual subs are levied from July 1 each year and pro rata subs apply from the quarter. Current payment details are:
BSB: 807 007 Account No: 12130456 Name: Tasmanian Fly Tyers Club Inc. Email payment details to the Treasurer, Norm Cribbin: treasurer@tasmanianflytyersclub.org
Legally The Club is a legally incorporated association managed by a committee. Our structure and management are determined by our Constitution (Rules of Association) – see under Publications on the website. These detail elections, management processes and various legal obligations. The Committee details and contacts are under Membership on the website. As above, there are Committee and General Meetings each month bar January. The Secretary is the main point of communications – clubsecretary@tasmanianflytyersclub.org – though any issues, suggestions and ideas are appreciated and can be directed to any Committee member.
Membership rights and obligations The principal rights of members are use of the Club shacks, including with family and guests, and access to Club events and activities. Details re these are to be found on the Club website: https://www.tasmanianflytyersclub.org/site. Access to the website requires your username and your password, if you have forgotten you login details click here. Log in now to enable the links in this document to work. If you have problems with access, contact the Secretary. Elements of the website are under development and particularly re the shack operations – there will be updates shortly.
The members' website
The drop-down boxes on the website lead to a wealth of information including such things as the Club Constitution (management, Rules of Association), libraries of the admirable Club newsletter The Vice and Zoom tying demonstrations and (being developed) operating rules and procedures for the shacks. Spending some time browsing the website is highly recommended – there's a lot of really good stuff in the Vice back numbers and the Zoom sessions. Some introductory information is attached, but your proposer/seconder should also be good sources of information, as also the Secretary. Also under Membership is a complete list of member contacts and details. These should be treated with the utmost regard to privacy and confidentiality.
Activities Calendar and Shack booking system The Activities Calendar – Upcoming events on the Home page – is both the Club diary and the booking system for activities and events. It is not the booking system for the shacks, which is separate – see the website graphic above. Accurate booking is essential for numbers management and insurance requirements. There's often some wriggle room, but in some cases none at all. Booking is a responsibility and a courtesy toward event managers and other members. Clicking on an event in the calendar will bring up event details (far RH column) and any requirements. Enter your attendance, details or apology as desired and hit ‘Save'. If you're entering for an event and need a shack bed, you must book that separately under Shack bookings. There's a Forum Board below the calendar for any advice or comments, notes re shacks, etc you might have – it's potentially very useful and should be used more. Don't be shy - write what you want – you can always delete it!
Operational communications Other than the Calendar, most club communications are by email, principally from the Secretary but also from events/activities co-ordinators. There is also a private Facebook Group which requires administrator access: https://www.facebook.com/groups/474475896218429. Let the Secretary know if you want to join this. It is presently an informal forum used by some members to communicate re trips and events. Members can add posts and photos and it may potentially become used to communicate Club events.
Club Shacks The Club owns and operates two shacks in the Central Highlands: the Miena shack at 7615 Highland Lakes Rd, Miena TAS – Miena Shack, Google Maps
and the Sorell shack at 7 Galaxia Ave, Interlaken TAS 7030 – Sorell Shack, Google Maps. More information is under Shack bookings on the website. The shacks are a great melting pot for information sharing and they're a great place to meet other members. There tends to be a steady flow of people during fishing season and new members have 10 free nights over their first year of membership to encourage this. Both shacks can accommodate 8 people but are pretty squeezy at that number.
The Vice The Vice is our quarterly newsletter. Doug Miller, the Editor, is keen to receive articles, thoughts, ideas. The deadline for each edition is in the Activities calendar: see Click here. Email or phone Doug direct.
Member Profile There is a Members Profile form under Forms on the website. It's an opportunity to provide a bit of information about yourself and your fishing interests, perhaps also a favourite fishing photo.
A warm welcome to the Tasmanian Fly Tyers Club. It's a rich experience for most – it's been remarked that people who join, stay joined - and we look forward to your participation.
Very best wishes Paul Markey Secretary secretary@tasmanianflytyersclub.org January 2025 | ||
© Copyright
tasmanianflytyersclub.org 2025 |