Page 32 - History Presentation Tony Dell 2016
P. 32

The first example is the Lake Sorell shack. The proposal first surfaces in Committee minutes
in October 1973 but obviously had been discussed earlier and it took until 1989, after a
couple of false starts, to actually get started. It was finally completed in late 1992 and
formally opened in July 1993 - 20 years!

The second example is the installation of a septic toilet at Miena shack. It was first raised in
February 1993 and was finally achieved courtesy of Macca and Ken Fisher in 2002 - only 9

The third example is the Miena Barbecue Shelter. This was first raised in Committee in July
1999 and delegated to Ken Fisher, Macca and me to come up with a plan and cost estimate. It
was mentioned again a couple of times subsequently in Committee then died a death until, lo
and behold, in 2014 it was built - only 15 years later.

The fourth example is affiliation with a New Zealand Fishing Club. This was first raised in
Committee in September 1986 and is a regular discussion point until a letter was sent to a
Christchurch Club in March 1987 but is not mentioned after November 1987 until our new
push came to fruition with the Auckland Fresh Water Anglers Club in August 2014 - almost
20 years!

The fifth example is this Club History project. This was first raised in the context of the
Club's 21st Anniversary Dinner and Graeme House spoke on the subject that night. This led
to the establishment of Club photo albums which unfortunately were not always maintained.
The subject was next raised by the Committee in October 1992 and again in May 1993. A
sub-committee was established in June 1993 but no progress was noted after that date until
June 1994 when it was mentioned and deferred to a future meeting. Macca and I picked it up
in 1998 and had a bit of a go, including the discovery of the loss of our 1956-1972 records. In
2002 a re-established History Sub-Committee consisting of Ray Longden, Ian Madden and
Ron Ruthven put together a list of members from 1956 to November 2002 and there it stayed
until Jason Garrett asked me in late October 2015 to give a presentation on Club History at
the April 2016 meeting which started me off on the current push - about 38 years!

Pitch for photos and documents


I would like to acknowledge the assistance I have received in compiling this presentation
from a number of Members.

Firstly I have had great help from Graeme House, Ray Longden, Ron Ruthven and Ian
Madden (before his recent un-timely death).

Secondly Tim Lewis and John Smith have been of great assistance, giving me access to Club
papers and providing copies of Member profiles.

Thirdly, a number of members have kindly read drafts and given me feed-back (as well as

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